Non formal education definition
Non formal education definition

non formal education definition

The concept of “from cradle to grave” includes formal, non-formal, and informal learning. The approach has been endorsed by ministers of labour, ministers of social affairs and the OECD Council at ministerial level. In 1996, the OECD education ministers agreed to develop strategies for “lifelong learning for all”. Most research has focused on learning outcomes from formal education and training, instead of embracing all types of learning outcomes allowing visibility and portability of such outcomes in the lifelong learning system, in the labour market or in the community. Until this OECD activity on the recognition of non-formal and informal learning involving 23 countries on 5 continents, it has also been under-researched (see also ongoing EU work).

non formal education definition

However, learning that occurs outside the formal learning system is not well understood, made visible or, probably as a consequence, appropriately valued. For people outside the initial education and training system, adults in particular, it is very likely that this learning, taking place at home, at the workplace or elsewhere, is a lot more important, relevant and significant than the kind of learning that occurs in formal settings.

non formal education definition

Not a single day goes by that does not lead to additional skills, knowledge and/or competences for all individuals. People are constantly learning everywhere and at all times.

  • See also Recognition of Non-formal and Informal: Learning Pointers for policy development.
  • Now available: Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Outcomes, Policies and Practices
  • Green growth and sustainable development.

  • Non formal education definition